Seminole Negro Indian Scouts Historical Society
About the Society
The Seminole Negro Indian Scouts Historical Society (“The Society”) is an independent nonprofit organization created by Scout descendants and has a specific historical focus: to provide an online hub concentrating solely on collecting, curating and generating knowledge about the Scouts and their families, community, and descendants. It further seeks to nurture deeper connections between all Black Seminole descendants and their history.
There is no membership requirement, and all information is free to the public.

Strategic Focus
The Society has maintained the same following strategic priorities:
Curation and Collection
Discussion generates new knowledge and sheds light on existing works. To this end, the Society will provide an open forum in which articles are posted and discussed.
Cultivation and Knowledge Generation
As more original documents and current research are reviewed, the Society will also be an incubator for new ideas and streams of research. For this work and possible collaboration, a moderated forum will exist to allow for an exchange of ideas.
Online Resources
Currently there is no one place that hosts all of the research about the Scouts. There also is not one place to help descendants begin researching their family history through the Scouts. The Society will provide basic instruction on how to proceed and an online hub where descendants and allies can assist each other.
Because we are not a membership organization, our work is solely dependent on donations, grants, and sales of merchandise
If you would like to support this work, please consider making a donation to help operate the site, provide new content, support descendant research.
All donations are tax deductible.
Support the Society